a home— what?

a homebody. A person who enjoys the warmth and simple pleasures of being at home.

hi! my name is Tinne,

and I’m the face behind Homebody. I’m a creative at heart with a background in illustration and interior design.

Homebody was born in 2020, a year mostly spent inside my tiny apartment in Melbourne, Australia. Looking for an indoors activity, I started experimenting with clay, and slowly but surely I built up an entire tableware set, which I started using on a daily basis.

As another long lockdown hit mid 2021, I decided to escape the place I called home for nearly seven years, and move back home to Belgium. While I was selling all my furniture for the move, a guy that came to pick up a plant begged me to sell the entire tableware set to him. Flattered but heartbroken I sold him my work.

Having said goodbye to my work I realized I wanted to created more. So upon arrival, I immediately signed up to a shared studio space. My love for ceramics grew and grew, I learned to throw on the wheel and improve my techniques. The studio soon became a second home.

I now work from my own studio in Leuven, Belgium where I create playful ceramic homewares, from tableware to home decoration.

a piece of the 2020 collection




the studio

a piece of the 2020 collection